Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

night of batik

 May almost over.. (Alhamdulillah ..). Waiting June with new list. How about my assignment dan my KP? eemm.. we discuss later! :p

Fyi, long time no write make me think hard. and the conclusion is i just share about my activities. just one of them. the night were nisa and me wear batik custome and walk aroud semarang (actually, just pahlawan streets and young monument--tugu muda! hahaha). 
kkkkk lol xoxo 

lawang sewu :)
whos's don't know this building? one of the icon of semarang.of course!

first experiment
*emm.. please ignore this pict*

enjoy the time

look at you :) *blush*

stop the time
*i try to be elegant, i think it's succed :p.. thanks to you,nisa.. it's fabulous*

 straight road


what do you think? 

and that's we are. 
nisa with me wear batik's skirt and blouse

see.. if we are stand up, i'm more taller than nisa. kkkkk... and more fat! *ouch*
actually my weight more less than before :D
